APS Graduation Requirements
Grade Level Promotion & Placement
Grade level placement is determined by the total # of course credits earned
Promotion is based on the total # of credits a student has at the start of each school year
12th Grade: 18 credits
11th Grade: 12 credits
10th Grade: 6 credits
9th Grade: <5.5 credits
End of Course Tests (EOCs)
End of Course Tests are the state of Georgia mandatory state standardized exams for high school
End of Course Test scores count as 20% of a student’s final grade in the corresponding class.
EOC Course Classes:
11th Grade/Amer Lit
Algebra 1
US History
High School Course Credits
1 Quarter (9weeks) class = .5 credit
1 Semester class = 1 credit (.5 earned per semester)
A final semester grade of 70 or higher is required to pass a course and earn the .5 credit
Grades not averaged across semesters
4 total classes per semester = 4.0 credits
8 total classes per year = 8.0
Community Service
APS Community Service Hours Requirement
Community service is a graduation requirement of Atlanta Public Schools. All students must perform a minimum of 75 hours of community service as a requirement for graduation. ​​​
APS Service Hour Guidelines
Opportunities must be hosted by an APS PRE-VERIFIED NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION
Participation cannot result in compensation (monetary, gifts or otherwise)
Event does not occur during instructional time (unless planned as part of a large school activity)
Participation Is meaningful & contributes to the betterment of the school or larger surrounding community.
All 75 Hours must be completed by December of senior year.
Students should complete 20-25 service hours each year starting in 9th grade.
Completion of the service hour requirement is based on the total # of hours reflected in your TierSphere account.
ALL organizations & events on the TierSphere platform are APS approved.
Access the platform through your APS Backpack or www.tiersphere.com
Login using your APS Google Classroom credentials
APS Student Email: (example) KLewis1234@apsk12.org
Password/Lunch #: 12345​
Explore & sign-up for approved events posted on the platform.
Log community service participation and completed hours with your TierSphere account.
Host organizations will verify the completed hours you recorded on the platform.
All service hours are tallied and tracked thru TierSphere student accounts
Please send all TierSphere inquiries by email to Support@TierSphere.com​​​
Any Opportunity NOT Listed On TierSphere Is Unverified
Hours Served at unverified opportunities without approval WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
To receive credit for volunteer hours at an unverified opportunity students need complete the following approval process.​
APS Student Community Service Pre-Approval
STEP 1: Student will submit APS Pre-Approval Form at least 2 weeks in advance.
Click here for APS Student Community Service Pre-Approval Form
Form will require all of the following information:
Name of 501c Organization
Organization Phone #
Organization’s EIN (Tax ID#)
Organization Contact (Non-Profit Representative)
Name, Date and Location of Opportunity
Description of Opportunity and Duties to be Performed
Opportunity Start and End Time
Organization’s Event Contact Person’s First and Last Name, Phone # and Email
STEP 2: If approved, student must obtain documented proof of participation from the organization after the event.
Documentation must include all the following information:
Document must be on Organization’s Letterhead
Organization Contact Name & Phone #
Organization Address
Dates and Hours of Service
Total Hours of Service Completed
Brief description of service tasks completed
Signature of the organizer
STEP 3: Student will submit electronic copy of documentation to the Frederick Douglass Community Service Submission Portal Student will upload a scanned copy or photo of document. No hard copies will be accepted.
Click here for the FDHS Community Service Submission Portal ​
STEP 4: At the end of each 9 weeks period APS will process service hour submissions adding them to the student’s TierSphere account.
APS will only process submissions 4 times a year (October, December, March, May)​
Students are responsible for tracking their own progress towards completion of the APS 75 Hour Community Service graduation requirement.​

Benefits of Dual Enrollment:
Less time required after HS to finish a college degree
Provides students a head start on the college experience
Saves students money on tuition
May be able to take classes not offered at the HS
Remain eligible to participate in local HS athletics, activities, and events
List of Approved Dual Enrollment Colleges:
Atlanta Technical College
GA State University
Dual Enrolment (DE) is a program allowing eligible 11th and 12th grade students to enroll in a local college, take college classes and earn college credit while working on their HS diploma. The State of GA covers the cost of tuition, mandatory fees and required textbooks for up to 30 semester or 45-quarter hours AND only for courses on the state approved GA Futures Dual Enrollment Course Directory. Students may enter the DE program in either the summer or the fall semester.
Why Dual Enrollment?
Gives students an opportunity to experience college coursework while still in high school.
Students earn credits that may be transferable to a 2-year or 4-year college
College course credits are applied to both the HS and college transcript
College course credits can count to meet HS graduation requirements AND potentially be applied towards an Associate or Bachelor’s degree
For more information, click on the PDF below. If you or your student is interested please get in touch with your counselor for a meeting.
Dual Enrollment
Grading Scale
The lowest passing grade is a 70
All Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and Core Dual Enrollment level courses are given 10 honors point to all final passing semester grades to recognize the additional rigor of these courses.
Individual grades on the transcript include the additional 10 honors points.
Unweighted Weighted
A = 90 – 100 A = 90 – 110
B = 80 – 89 B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79 C = 70 – 79
F = Below 70 F = Below 70

Credit Recovery
Students have the opportunity to complete online courses for credit recovery and for initial credit. Atlanta Public Schools uses Atlanta Virtual Academy (AVA). AVA is free of chrage to APS students and is the only online course platform approved by APS.Courses are offered online beyond the day in addition to their regural school day schedule. Students must see their counselor to be assigned to online courses. Parents and students are responsible for ensuring student has access to a computer with internet .Online class start and end dates are aligned with semester start and end dates on the APS academic calendar. Students can access their online course 24/7 and are required to complete all the assigned online class coursework by the end date with a passing grade.Online Credit Recovery Classes:
AVA credit recovery classes are available for students who fail a core academic course required for graduation. Most graduation requirements are available on AVA Credit Recovery.
The grade the student earns in the credit recovery course will not replace the failing grade but will be added to the student’s transcript and calculated in the GPA along with all other attempted HS courses.
The NCAA WILL NOT accept Credit Recovery course credits for student athletes (will accept Initial Credit courses only)
Initial Credit Classes:
AVA Initial Credit classes are available for students need to take a class beyond the regular school day to make room in their schedule or to take a course that is not offered.
Initial Credit classes are those where the student has not previously attempted to take the course.
​​For more information about AVA Virtual School and Full-Time online registration options, please visit: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/APSVirtual​​​

Atlanta College and Career Academy
ACCA provides students with a variety of career and technical training programs aligned in-demand careers in the Metro-Atlanta area. Students who participate in ACCA will be part time at FDHS, taking two classes, and part time at ACCA, completing course towards and accredited technical certificate. See below the pathways that are offer through ACCA. Also click on the link below to get more information from ACCA.

Work Permit
Are you or your child under 15 and in need of a work permit? 🌟 Check out the flyer for detailed instructions! Once the online application is completed, don’t forget to reach out to the registrar at loretta.smith@atlanta.k12.ga.us. Remember: work permits are linked to both the student and their job, so employers need to provide their information on the GADOL website. Have questions? Please feel free to reach out to your counselor!
Graduaton Cords
Graduation cords are rope-like accessories that drape around the graduate's neck so the two tassels hang down the gown. There are a variety of graduation cord colors, which have been codified by the Association of College Honor Societies.The meaning of different color honor cords for high school graduates can vary by school and district, but generally, they represent various academic achievements, memberships in honor societies, or participation in certain activities.
The see a list of cords and their requirements please click on the link below.
The Georgia Department of Education has created several diploma seals to recognize students who have demonstrated success in a pathway or certain academic areas. All seals require a combination of coursework and service hours. Some also require that students pass and exam or complete a capstone presentation.
International Skills Diploma Seal https://tinyurl.com/yyyxpfk2
Fine Arts Diploma Seal https://tinyurl.com/ya9c4br3
Seal of Biliteracy https://tinyurl.com/2pez8xzz
Civic Engagement Diploma Seal https://tinyurl.com/yfp4zprv
Career Ready Diploma Seals https://tinyurl.com/4f337pwc